coconuT 2.4.1 by FaNaTiC

Jan 22, 2007
VAC Status: Detected
Description and features

- Consistency Bypass: This feature allows you to use Wallhacked Player Models

- sv_cheats bypass: This feature allows you to use Cheat Protected (client sided)
CVARs such as mat_wireframe

- Radarhack: This feature allows you to see enemies, friends and bombs on the radar!

- Norecoil: This feature disables the window shaking when you shoot.

- NoFlash: This feature disables the Flash Effect.

- NoSmoke: This feature disables the Smoke Particle Effect.

- Wireframe Wallhack:
This feature allows you to see Playermodels, weapons etc through walls in Wireframe Style
Download coconuT 2.4.1 by FaNaTiC
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